1. The girls love to get out.
2. They will develop their friendships outside of the Oasis.
3. They will learn to socialize normally with boys...is that possible?
4. They will have a platform to observe males in a variety of contexts to judge character.
5. We are there to watch them like hawks.
6. They will have fun and a bit of normalcy.
The girls want to date. Sometimes it seems their only goal in life. Our goal is not to pump out little nuns, so we hope to create healthy environments for the girls to establish real friendships, not only with boys but with girls they don't see often as well.
I feel sorry for any parent when it comes time for their daughters to date, but I never thought I would have charge of 20 girls wanting to date! PRAY HARD.
So our fist adventure was bowling. They had never been bowling in their lives, so that was a bit scary as well. Their scores were decent once we put up the bumpers. Overall the girls had a blast and and kept their hormones in check...we hope the trend continues :)

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with the best wishes for u
have a good time...
Universal boy obsession...it's wonderful!! I loved this update!! Oh, and PS...totally get ALL the credit for brin ging me to the Seattle Pike Place Starbucks first! Thought of you often on the trip...we should hang out in the same city again sometime! So can I buy you a plane ticket to AZ sometime for a birthday/Christmas present?
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