Thursday, September 17, 2009

Antorcha! -- Independence Day Run

September 15 is Guatemala's Independence Day. It is custom, the week leading up to the holiday, to participate in an Antorcha or "marathon" of sorts. The run can be any distance, but the idea is to carry the light of independence back to your home community. Floods of people swarm to various popular locations to begin their run, Antigua being one of the most common. With a group of people in tow, you light your torch and make your way back home on foot. Generally there is an enterouge of vehichles or buses following behind with more people to switch out along the way.
This year the girls from the Oasis did our own Antorcha, but a little backwards. We ran from the Oasis down the highway to Florencia, a beautiful park. The run is approximately 4.5 Kilometers or just under three miles. Not so far, and yet I have been sore for the past three days! I think all down hill on cement might have something to do with that.
It was a blast sharing this tradition with the girls, but not so thrilling to be a part of the ridiculous traffic returning to Antigua!
Some snapshots...

And we're off!

Even the little ones ran

Blurry, but proof I carried the torch :)

Some just enjoyed the ride

The whole group

Me very excited to be sitting and not running!


The water fight began...

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