This last week the local church here in San Lucas put on a VBS in Chimaltenango, a town about 30 minutes away. The older girls of the Oasis participated as teachers of each class. It was great to see the girls step up and take on the responsibility. We had a great time withs all of the kids playing, singing and especially sharing the secret of the watermelon!
The secret of the watermelon is a great new way to share the gospel message. It follows the same format as the wordless book. The inner black seeds represent the sin of man. The problem we have is that our sin seperates us from spending eternity in heaven with God. The consequence of our sin is spiritual death. The innner red part represents the blood of Christ. Christ gave his life on the cross to pay the price of our sin, that we might be saved and reconciled to God. The white rhine represents a clean heart. Faith in Christ; his death burial and resurrection, results in our hearts being cleansed from sin. When we believe in Jesus Christ for salvation we become new creatures.The outer green represents growth. After believing in Christ as savior we must develop our relationship with Christ through prayer, reading the Bible, fellowship with other Christians and service.
Totally awesome!
i love that!
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