"...and the doctor said?" That is the question, what did the doctor say? Last week I had the privilege of working as a translator with a Medical missions team who came from Pawley's Island, South Carolina. the team consisted of 5 doctors, 4 dentist, 1 acupuncturist, and several other nurses and helping hands...22 in total. It was a pretty big task transporting the team around along with all of their supplies and about twenty others in-tow to help with translation and logistics...that's where I come in! I translated for one of the doctors as we saw one Guatemalan patient after another as well as drove the big "bus" (more van-like, but big). It was quite an experience driving through four rivers and over boulders with a loaded down van...not my favorite part. ;)
However, my favorite part was translating and being the link between the patients and the doctor. As expected when attending somewhere near 1500 people, not all are in such great need. Sometimes its just a lot of complaining to get free medicines. After a while you just start the prescription sheet with..vitamins, parasite medicine, and Tylenol...and then move on to see if something is really going on. But it makes it all worth the while when you encounter people in great need, with little to no resources or information.
One particularly touching visit was with an 11 year old boy named Fernando. When we called up the next number, Fernando's mom lifted his limp body out of the desk chair where he had been waiting and lugged him back behind the hung sheet in the classroom and sat him on our make-shift examining table/modified portable massage table. The mom began to explain to me that he had a cough. I went on to ask what was wrong with him and why couldn't he walk? She began to explain that until the age of 4 he was perfectly normal. Then he came down with a sever fever that lasted for a couple of weeks. She doesn't know why or what happened, but he has been this way ever since. As I prodded with more questions she went on to say she had never taken him to the doctor and that he usually just sits in the house. Fernando can speak and hears very well. The doctor diagnosed that most likely at age four he suffered from spinal meningitis or possibly syphilis and because he was never treated, left in this condition. Fernando has absolutely zero muscle mass as all of his muscles have completely atrophied, including his neck muscles. we were literally looking at skin and bones. We spent the next hour going over several exercises that they could work on with him at home. We discovered that when lifted up, he actually can move his legs and take steps...he's not paralyzed he just needs the strength!
It was sad to realize that if this boy had been rehabilitated from the beginning and not left sitting around he would be up and walking...but it was a joy and encouragement to see the mom realize there was potential. She said, "thank you so, so much...I had lost all hope that anything could be done. Thank you for showing me."
Please pray for Fernando and his family. Pray that they will be diligent and persevere with his exercises and therapies...as much as possible. Pray that God would touch this little body and give him the will to work and strength to keep going!
These were the kind of moments that made the week a joy and a blessing. I felt so blessed to be a part and thankful for the gifts God has given me in the language and the ability to use it for His glory!
and good looking doctors! woot.
I am giving your blog address to those youth in our group interested in Missions. We will be praying for Fernando! And you ofcourse!
MELANIE love ypur blog sigue adelnate gracias por compratir eres super linda persona y adelante Fernando!
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